Thursday, July 5, 2007

The big '29'...

Kaija turned 29 today and to celebrate we left Natalie with a 15 year old baby sitter and hit up Adams Morgan in DC...just kidding. We just stayed in, had some friends over, and had another excuse to dress up Natalie in a cute dress. We plan to celebrate Kaija's B-Day with a big night out when Grandma and Grandpa J come up on the 14th. And by big night, I mean a sit down dinner where we both eat together without 7-mile stares in our eyes.

It's been a really busy week with a birthday, July 4th and, oh yeah, a baby. Hard to believe we are 29 and 32. We still feel young and, for the most part, still act young. I really think that 40 is the new 30. Well, thats my story and I'm sticking to it regardless.


Anonymous said...

Natalie Caroline is beautiful and yes, looks a lot like Josh. We are so happy for you and will check in to see how she's growing. Enjoy her! Great aunt Cyndy and uncle Bill.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Kaija! What a great birthday present you got. It was so nice to be able to see you, Josh and Natalie during my visit to Va. - you guys make a great family!