Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wedding Crashers...

This past weekend we spent time in Cape May, NJ for a good friends wedding. We were a little nervous considering this was Natalie's first road trip. Kaija and Josh are now convinced that Natalie is, simply put, a party animal. Natalie was, to say the least, an angel. She enjoyed getting her feet dipped into the ocean, she enjoyed being passed back and forth between our friends and she enjoyed staying up late and partying while we caught up with some friends. Hard to believe but during our 3 days away from home she did not fuss one time. Instead she sat on people's laps and smiled and cooed the whole time. To add icing to the cake Natalie slept the entire ride home.

Speaking of the wedding, Cape May is beautiful. Josh has always claimed NJ to be the armpit of America. However, after our couple of days in Cape May, he is rethinking that claim.
Grandpa J had his surgery on Thursday to remove a pollup from his colon. The surgery went very well and Grandpa J will not have to go through Radiation. He is having a hard time with the after-surgery but should be back to normal sometime soon. We are all looking forward to seeing him soon.

Josh is in Aurora, CO for the week for work. Grandma and Grandpa D are in town to help Kaija and to hangout before Kaija has to return to work next Monday.

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