Thursday, January 17, 2008

A New Point of View...

Natalie has a new favorite thing to do with her dad...sitting on his shoulders. She loves to look at herself in the mirror while riding high in the air. For those faint of heart Josh always has his arms around Natalie's back.

In other news, Natalie had her first (and probably not last), ear infection along with a runny nose, cough and chest congestion. After a couple of trips to the doctor's and a prescription for Amoxicillin she is on the road to recovery. We were supposed to make our first trip to Danville this weekend, but since Natalie is still not feeling 100%Grandma and Grandpa J are making the trek to our house again. Hopefully there will be lots of time to rest and catch up on sleep!

1 comment:

Kellie Grogg said...

oh no... hopefully Natalie will feel better soon! Kennedy and Ashlyn say Get Well!