Saturday, August 25, 2007

Big girls bed...

Last night we started putting Natalie in her room for the night. Up until now we had Natalie sleeping in a bassinet in our room. The first night went really well. We did not put Natalie down until much later than normal, however, once we put her in the crib she was out for 6 straight hours. Not too bad but we hoping to gradually increase the sleep time.

Natalie has a Doctors appointment scheduled for this Tues. This is the appointment where Natalie will receive all of her shots. Josh will be required to be there to hold Natalie down since Kaija will not be able to bare watching Natalie suffer. It will be interesting to see Natalie's new weight and height as well.
One thing Natalie is doing more of now is sucking on her fist. Its great that she is learning to self-sooth herself, however, she generally falls asleep with her hands still slobbered. The effect...freezing cold hands. To quickly warm them up Josh will place her hands under his armpits.

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