Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Natalie had her two month checkup yesterday. At the appoint she had her vitals checked and received four immunization shots in her thighs and one oral shot in her mouth. First, Natalie's measurements: 12.1 lbs (76%) and 241/4" (97%) in length. It appears she is going to be tall. The joke around the house is that she may be taller than G'Ma J by the age 5.

Secondly, the shots: The oral vaccine (Rotovirus) came first since we knew she would not have any issues...seriously, you don't get to 12 pounds in 2 months by being picky. Afterwards the nurse gave two immunization shots; Hepatitis B and Prevar in one thigh, and, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) and Hemophilia Influenza type b in the other. We are not completely sure what all of the shots are for but they are required and hopefully will keep Natalie from getting sick once she heads to daycare. Natalie fussed during the actual shots but did not give up too much of a fight. This was appreciated since Josh had the job of holding her arms down. Afterwards, Natalie was patched up with Dora the Explorer band aids and sent on her way. She handled this far better than we expected...maybe she is tough (Josh's version) or maybe it was the Tylenol (Kaija's opinion). The picture in the upper right has the band aids in view.
The doctor did notice that Natalie had torticollis in her neck. This is basically a tight muscle in her neck. The doctor did not seem too worried about this and mentioned that Natalie's case was very minor. However, to nip this in the bud, Kaija has already lined up a physical therapist to work on loosening that muscle. The cause...most likely the result of how Natalie was positioned in-utero.

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